Saturday, May 30, 2015

Bjørn Ransve - a life in art.

Bjørn Ransve. 
"Blood", 1967. Oil on canvas, 82x70 cm. 

Norsk kunst, andre halvdel av 80-tallet/ Norwegian art, the second half of the 80s

"Most major solo exhibitions in the 80s was devoted painters. Painter Bjørn Ransve was presented with a retrospective exhibition in both daylight halls in 1986. Although Ransve was only 42 years old, images from a 20-year period was displayed. The exhibition played on changes within production while continuous themes was made clear, especially the dynamics between representation and the material side of paintings. In the catalog text, Hans- Jakob Brun described how Ransve seemed to have taken advantage of and opposed the distinction between art and reality. (Hans- Jakob Brown in Bjørn Ransve, KH, 1986) Instead of maintaining clear distinctions, the paintings in the exhibition evolved both fictional rooms and self-referential compositions".

"De fleste store separatutstillingene på 80-tallet var viet malere. Maleren Bjørn Ransve ble presentert med en retrospektiv utstilling i begge overlyssalene i 1986. Selv om Ransve bare var 42 år ble det vist bilder fra en 20-årsperiode. Utstillingen spilte på forandringer innad i produksjonen, samtidig som gjennomgangstrekk ble tydeliggjort, spesielt dynamikken mellom representasjon og maleriets materielle side. I katalogteksten skrev Hans-Jakob Brun hvordan Ransve syntes å ha utnyttet og motarbeidet skillet mellom kunst og virkelighet. (Hans-Jakob Brun i Bjørn Ransve, KH, 1986) I stedet for å opprettholde klare skiller viste maleriene i utstillingen både fiktive rom og selvrefererende komposisjoner". 

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