Friday, June 19, 2015

Beat art: Joseph St. Amand

Joseph St. Amand (1962) 
Detail from portrait of beat art collector Reidar Wennesland


  1. I have a painting of my uncle by Joseph, but I know very little about him. Can you tell me who the person in the picture above is?

    1. It is a picture of Norwegian dr. Wennesland and his monkey and chihuahua. Or so I'm told. The painting is hanging at a school in Norway. Wennesland gave his art collection to his old school. I might be wrong:)

    2. I knew your Uncle Joseph St Amand. I have 2 of his paintings. He was good friends with my mother in San Francisco in the 60’s and 70’s.

    3. I knew Joseph well. He was a member of our extended family. I have three of his paintings, including a portrait he did of me. He was a wonderful, kind, sometimes caustic, always curious, generous, beautiful soul. I miss him dearly.
