Den kubistisk-inspirerte destruksjonsprosess føres videre
frem til 1986. I to bilder med tittelen Mahognyramme antar dynamikken så
intense former at det ikke bare er selve billedflaten, men også selve formatet
som blir berørt. I det først av disse bildene omgis et sterkt deformert kranium
av spydlignende trekanter former i et spill av flater, romlige konstruksjoner
og farveinnslag.
The Cubist -inspired destruction process is carried forward to 1986. Dynamics in two images titled Mahoganyframe takes on so intense forms that not only the picture surface, but also the format is affected. In the first of these pictures, a severely deformed skull surrounded by spear-like triangles, all forms in a game of surfaces, spatial structures and color touches.
The Cubist -inspired destruction process is carried forward to 1986. Dynamics in two images titled Mahoganyframe takes on so intense forms that not only the picture surface, but also the format is affected. In the first of these pictures, a severely deformed skull surrounded by spear-like triangles, all forms in a game of surfaces, spatial structures and color touches.
«Bjørn Ransve», Audun Eckhoff, Orfeus Forlag 2000
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